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 Post subject: E-fan benefits for B280F
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 9:02 am 
Cams + Headers

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Is it worth doing an E-fan on the B280F?

 Post subject: Re: E-fan benefits for B280F
PostPosted: Wed Jun 21, 2017 11:21 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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It would be the same benefit that you'd get from any motor, and the same drawbacks.

For giggles, Engine Masters did a Youtube test of a bunch of different cooling fans, and how much power they draw. ... HutSOu7srE

I don't know what was up with their clutch fan, it shouldn't have drawn that much power. I think there are clutch fans and then there are clutch fans... perhaps theirs draws more power off lockup than ours would because the Volvo fans are pretty easy to hold back with your fingers, and can't be consuming 10 or 15 hp like their test showed. Anyway, take that video for whatever value you like.

Personally I like having an engine driven fan if I can get it. In Alberta, it's almost never hot enough that the viscous clutch locks up. There's always some air moving through the rad and there's nothing to go wrong. Having an E-fan cycling on and off bothers me, I don't know why. I know in Ontario it gets a lot hotter and your viscous fan might be coupled all the time, drawing power and making noise, and while the E-fan would be sucking power from the battery (and alternator) more frequently, it averages out to a smaller amount of power loss ALL the time instead of big chunks of loss once in a while.

Pick your poision.

 Post subject: Re: E-fan benefits for B280F
PostPosted: Sun Jul 30, 2017 10:31 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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I'm also dubious of the Engine Master's test. It just doesn't make sense that a fan is drawing 30 hp. In a B280, there isn't 30 hp to give, but as Matt said, it would depend on what you wanted. In my 242 I'm toying with the idea of putting in an efan to deal with heat while I'm racing. That was the thought in the spring. This summer, I've not had any issue with heat soak so am being lazy and not doing it for that reason. The way to do it if you're set on doing it is to get a 940 efan with shroud and get the two speed controller and wiring. Then you get a temp sender from a BMW (Volvo triggers it from the ECU and you can if you have the right kung-fu to hack it) - the BMW switch (I can get PN's if interested - but it's posted elsewhere) has a high and low temp. You get a factory set up for about $100 out the door.

I've ran aftermarket efans and they are not all up to the task. I find used OEM stuff is more robust and a good deal cheaper not to mention the wiring is a lot less suspect.

Coburn Performance - OCD comes naturally.

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