This is where I'll be putting all the information I have on OHC camshafts that are readily available to us. I'll be donating the raw data to Ian Rankin (IADR on here) who has that wonderful page dedicated to information on these things, and hopefully it'll be of some use to spurring on a discussion.
For the terminology:
The test method was that I bolted a cam into a head without any valve springs, and turned the head upside down. I mounted a dial indicator on the head so that it measured valve lift. I had shimmed the buckets so tight that the valves never closed, so that I could be sure I could zero the dial indicator on the base circle. I mounted a degree wheel to the camshaft and bent up a coathanger pointer. I turned the degree wheel until each valve showed 0.016" lift (the typical valve clearance you'd use) and started recording data every 2 degrees of camshaft rotation.
Being that I don't have a whole bunch of time today, I'm just going to post up the numbers for now. Again, when I say '0" valve lift' I mean just that. When I use .050" numbers I mean .050" from the base circle, which is really .034" lift. This is an effort to maintain consistency with manufacturer's advertising "standards". I will also be editing some of this info when I get more time, so some numbers might change.