Dang, it's been over a year since I've posted any updates to this car. I've had some obstacles between me and progress - all summer last year I worked on the Saab, first for some general maintenance and then for the GBC, and I had a few light machining jobs in the meantime, but little chunks have been done to the car every now and then. Nothing that seemed big enough to post, but I have a new goal and a determination to at least get SOMEWHERE on the car before summer, so it's time for an update.
First things first, I inexpertly finished the front of the arch, and roughly shaped & shrunk the damaged areas of the RR fender until there was no oilcanning and it felt vaguley like a Volvo.

I've decided to smooth all the seams in the rear half of this car: from the front to the rear arch, from the fenders to the trunk slam panel, and from the fenders to the scuttle panel. Most of them have been welded but there was a substance that looked mysteriously like lead that I scraped from the scuttle seams, so I will just duraglass over those.
Movin' on to the trunk. I made a big mistake here but I needed to make some progress, and I chose the trunk. I don't even remember why - I just needed to get paint on something. Here's what the inside looked like before paint:

After taking care of the last of the rust holes in the trunk, acid washing and rinsing everything, scuffing it all down over and over again, I epoxy primed the whole trunk and the back of the slam panel reinforcement brace.

I seam sealed the gaps (another mistake), and welded the brace back into the trunk. Grinding all the spot welds made a mess and sent crap into the seam sealer, which got scraped out, washed down with solvent, re-sealed, and then the trunk got another coat of epoxy before paint and clear. Priming went well, painting went well, but somehow when I cleared it I blew a TON of crap out of somewhere, and ruined the job. Obviously I have no photos of this, but in my disgust I installed the trunk lid and will deal with it later. I was originally thinking about gravel guarding inside the trunk to seal and dampen the panels a little, now I may add "covering paint junk" to that list of benefits. Or I may scuff the trunk again and paint it properly, later.
Movin' on!
The crappy weather, a wicked chest cold that lasted from Xmas to Valentine's day, and a huge pile of work at my job kept me out of the garage for half of January and all of February, but in that time I managed to pull both front and rear windshields, the headliner, scraped the sound deadening from the roof, pulled the doors and trim, and basically stripped down the car to the minimum. The dash and steering wheel are still there, but not much more.
Thankfully, the window frames have zero rust in them. They did have a ton of sealant, but one of those rough fiber stripping discs (two of them, actually) buffed them clean.

And I finally sanded off the many layers of paint & primer from the rear fenders & stuff. It was really nice to see how little damage is in that LR fender - one little dent you can see now that paint's been buffed off, but I didn't know it was there before and you still can't feel it. There are a few patches I made on this fender - one on top of the arch and one at the rear of the arch. They look good but a little filler will be required at the rear arch one.

And a couple days ago, when it finally warmed up enough that I felt having enough heat in the metal for bondo was possible, I got started on duraglassing the RR fender. I'm working slowly, preferring to build many thin layers. I have a lot of low spots still, hopefully the high spots aren't too bad but once I get the shape a little better I'll consider how they look. They may need tapping down.

I'm back in the garage this Saturday and I'll probably swipe another couple layers on this fender, and will start roughing in the rest of the bodywork before switching to lightweight filler. Getting this much done was a bit of a breakthrough for me - Craig will tell you for how long I've been avoiding this step, but now that I'm rolling I figure I'll be okay.
With the crappy winter I've had though, I don't hold much hope for driving this car this summer. I'll be happy if it's in paint, with all the glass and door hardware in place so I can park it on the driveway and use the garage for other things this summer. If I find the time between household chores I've been avoiding for a couple of years I'll try and get it a little further, but if I don't drive it further than around the block this summer I'll spend the winter fussing with the trim and all the other details to make it perfect.