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 Post subject: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 11:01 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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So, picked this beauty up this weekend...

looks like a 1981 with some GT parts, suspension upgrades, and a b230ft with an M46 from a 760.

Looks like I have some body work to do, and some painting. But it should be a fun little project!

I will likely be painting the car the same color as the driver's door.

I don't know much about 240s so I'm sure I'll be asking a lot of questions along the way.

Suggestions/recommendations are welcome!


94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 1:35 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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That looks like a pile of work, Sol, but it will be a pretty good sleeper when finished. It's a pretty good sleeper right now, I guess. Does it run well and behave like it should going down the road?

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 3:38 pm 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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I actually haven't got it running yet. It's got a fuel pump wiring issue that i'll need to sort out first.
I've been told it ran and drove nice, has a lot of iPD bits underneath apparently.
I'm sure i'll find a lot more surprises as i tear into it, good and bad.

94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:22 am 
First volvo in outer space
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Looking forward to your progress Sol, looks like a good base.


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 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Tue Oct 27, 2015 9:28 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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Did some work on it last night; reflowed the solder joints on the fuel pump relay. The pumps are getting 12v, so i've determined that they are both seized.

I thought, what are the odds of both pumps seizing at the same time? Then i recalled a story told by the previous owner about jumpering the fuel pump on hard starts. It sounds like the in-tank pump had been seized for some time, and the main pump finally went after the extra stress.

I'm getting a used set of pumps from a friend, and he's got the tool to get the in-tank pump collar off.

I do want to upgrade to a single walboro eventually, but at this stage i just want to get the car running and driving so i can get the bodywork done easily.

The car underbody situation is in really nice shape! spotted some iPD sways and lowering springs while i was rooting around under there.

More updates to come!

94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 5:26 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Excellent - can't wait to see it come together. Keeping the patina?

Coburn Performance - OCD comes naturally.

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 8:56 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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So i figured out why i was getting no response out of my in-tank fuel pump....

There isn't one.

A friend of mine had a walboro 255 pump kit for a 240sx that was cheap so I bought it and did some hackery.
Had some fun getting it all back into the tank, needless to say the 240sx kit should probably not be used for the volvo 240. :roll:

I'm not getting proper 12v at the in-tank pump. Probably some wiring hackery done at the time someone deleted the in-tank. I'm tempted to just run a new set of wires to a standard automotive relay to run the pump and never worry about it again.

Oh and by the way, I spotted a set of these in the back of my buddy's garage....BBS knockoff wheels, they say konig on them so i'm very confused.
17x9" 5x114.3/120.
They need a refinish, the previous owner spraypainted them poorly, but the dishes are nicely polished and clearcoated.
I'm tempted to try them on the car with my adapter spacers and see how it looks...

94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:44 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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122_Canuck wrote:
Excellent - can't wait to see it come together. Keeping the patina?

Unfortunately the "patina" doesn't really look great to begin just looks unfinished. Not to mention the one painted door isn't really helping the situation.
I think i'll go with that case new holland yellow, seems to suit the car fairly well.

In terms of styling...I think I've decided that I want to replace the grille with just the plain flat style....and i need to find some of those bumpers that don't have the bulgy look to them....
Basically, this look exactly:

94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2015 8:42 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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Got the walboro in and running after some oddball wiring issues were sorted out.
The pump seemed louder when i was working on it but now that it's in it's barely noticeable.

Here's some more pictures of the state of affairs...
No rust holes!
274k? barely broken in!
Not sure what all these are about.

So my bud brought over those BBS knockoffs and we tried them on the car...Initial fitment is promising! I'll need to pound some fenders and do about 1-1.5" drop to make this work.


94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Wed Nov 04, 2015 4:19 pm 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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Started tackling a bit of the body work...

I went at it a little bit with a slide hammer just to see how things would turn out. I've never done any of this so the learning curve is steep... Looks like I have my work cut out for me.


94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:38 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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After you weld up those holes...if I may make a suggestion, get a stud gun for pulling dents. More accurate and no holes to weld up when done. Please don't just slop bondo over the holes - it'll just pop off.

Coburn Performance - OCD comes naturally.

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:34 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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Yes, stud welder would have been a nice luxury item to purchase....
I opted instead to practice my thin metal welding... Hope to keep the grinding to a minimum!

94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:21 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!
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Update: ran out of welding gas...

Almost ready for hours of sanding.


94' 944t "The Good One"
87' 780 5.0L V8

 Post subject: Re: Finally, a "real" project car for Sol
PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:09 am 
Somehow completely sideways in 4th

Joined: Thu Nov 10, 2011 11:43 am
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Wow Sol - looks like a lot of work, but still very cool!

I'll be in Stoon closer to Xmas so we should try to meet up again.



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