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 Post subject: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:16 pm 
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What an A$$hole!!!



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 Post subject: Re: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:22 pm 
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Gees, leave the man alone, let him eat his cookie! =P~

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 Post subject: Re: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:55 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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My wife works in health care.
He treated the reporters much better than any staff.
and to think we are paying this ass hole $500,000 a year plus bonus

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 Post subject: Re: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:46 pm 
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Looks like "Steve" might have lots of time on his hands to eat cookies... too bad he can't take Liepert with him down under. :lol: ... story.html


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 Post subject: Re: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:20 pm 
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Being rude to reporters on the street looks ugly, but is hardly reason to fire someone.

Treating your workers under you badly/unfairly, costing the state lots of money for your salary above docs, nurses, and other health care personnel that lots of AB citizens benefit directly from, or refusing to answer complicated questions all together sure are. As is provably poor job performance for all kinds of reasons.

You can't just go around knee-jerk firing people "because you don't like them" or they are "rude." If they turn away customers because they are so rude, then that would reflect on their job performance I'd think.

I don't really blame the guy for not answering questions on the street at random. His excuse is lousy though, and poorly thought out. Saying "I can't answer that this minute on the street without having everything in front of me" is okay though. As is saying nothing. Or saying: "I have to get to a meeting or whatever."

I think people's attention spans in the modern world are getting increasingly short. The bad economy and people being desperate/angry with short attention spans and not planning ahead doesn't help. How can I be expected to know what is worn out on a 20-30 year old car without looking at it, which takes time, which the customer has to pay for (or someone somewhere does) off the top of my head on the street at random just as a similar example? I have nothing in front of me to help answer the question.

I'm not defending or opposing anyone here.

I will say, someone who has to be a public face and justify their actions to the state who does so that way, that is an insight into their character, and probably the tip of the iceberg.

Just on the outside looking in...

 Post subject: Re: The Sad State of Health Care in Alberta
PostPosted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 8:41 pm 
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945_James wrote:
Just on the outside looking in...

And apparently now so is Dr. Stephen Duckett. ... story.html

I agree James it's no reason to fire someone, this is purely political as the governing party (Progressive Conservatives) is using this as a diversion from their own pathetic performance running this province. I predicted that Duckett would get canned with the next 2 years prior to our next provincial election as a political move to deflect criticism of the government, the cookie incident just made it happen sooner.


66 122S (Garage Queen)
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