Ugly Duck wrote:
Yeah, Craig and I discussed the purpose of this Facebook page, and neither of us want it to detract from the forum. In fact, we want it to ADD to the forum. I had originally locked off the visitor posts from the Facebook page in order to drive people over here, but I don't think that's going to work so I opened it up. We need your help though.
- We hope that the current forum members will be more inspired to create content on the forum and to share that content on Facebook as advertisement.
- We hope that we attract Facebook page members from other Facebook pages, and we should all encourage those new members to participate on the forum.
- We hope that we can inspire people to get together. It doesn't have to be a weekend-long meet, just at Cars & Coffee or out for a cruise or over at a garage open house. Announce it on Facebook, generate interest!
What we need from everyone here:
- CREATE CONTENT!!! Discussions, reviews, especially build threads with pictures (lots of pictures!). Share some of those pictures on Facebook to keep activity high and to gain attention.
- FIX YOUR THREADS!!! Get your pictures uploaded on a new server, and fix the pictures in your threads where you can. Delete pictures where you can't fix them. If the thread is useless without pictures, let me know and I'll delete it. I'm using Amazon AWS for picture storage - The file structure is mine so I can keep URL updating simple, I haven't been charged for views yet, and uploading is pretty easy. It's a bit of a pain to do away from a desktop but for my purposes I find it way better than any other option.
- THINK OF WAYS TO BUILD COMMUNITY!!! Have a BBQ, tell people when you're going to PNP or Bucks, go out for a drive... and let people know what's what.
- ENCOURAGE PEOPLE TO POST ON THE FORUM!!! You're the ambassadors for this, if you're still on this forum you see there's value in it and you need to convince people who think "forum life" is dead.

Big thanks for all of this Matt. I am supremely guilty of not creating content, I don’t do a lot, but I’m terrible at documenting it. I have said in the past that I really respect what it takes to get the work done, but to document and share it as well is huge. Every time I manage to get something posted I realize just how much work it is.