Like the guys above said, you'll need spacers at the very least. 25/25 would work, but 32s in the rear will help counter the goofy narrow rear syndrome all 240s have. Dale can hook you up with those easily enough.
The tires - yeah, they're all over. Dale got his Hankooks for $199 plus $80 shipping (if I'm not mistaken) and then we picked them up from the US, and I got my Dunlops for $345 shipped to anywhere in the US, again picked up. You might be able to get them shipped to a hotel in Sweetgrass and drive down for the day - Dale and I had help on this.
FWIW, Anand at My Tires left a pretty bad impression the last time I dealt with him. It took him twice as long just to get the tires I wanted, and then he installed the wrong tires onto my rims and sent my rims down to a customer in Lethbridge instead of his own. When I finally got them back, with the right tires installed, I didn't even get an apology much less a price adjustment. Anand also NEVER returns phone calls, or phones you to let you know your stuff's done.
Tire Trends in BC is cheaper than My Tires, and has your tires shipped out to you in a couple days. Plus they're Canadian, so there's no hassles with the border or any of that junk. I think you know someone who can mount tires for you...
Also FWIW, my Dunlop FM-901 215/45x17 were $86 USD each. That's roughly $100 CAD. Tire Trends' price on these tires are $185 CAD.
Now for the wheels. Aside from your choice of wheel, which I'm not particularly fond of, all I have to say is to stick with 17s in Calgary. You'll bend the snot out of 18s and 40 series rubber. And yes, both the rims and especially the tires will be far more expensive. Those refurbished wheels are almost as expensive as buying them from the dealer, once you deal with shipping/exchange, so I probably wouldn't go that way. Apparently in the US you could get Pegs for under a grand a set from the dealer, brand new without all the concerns that come with repairing wheels. Tyler can probably hook you up with a set of 17s right now - Valentine has a set of Pegs and winter tires for $2400, and Tyler wants the rubber so he can probably cover some of that cost... Either way, you're going to be spending a lot of $$$ on wheels.
FWIW #3 - I got my used-but-straight Tethis wheels for $600 USD, and Dale got his 17" wheels (non-Volvo) for under $200. If you're stuck on Pegasus, it's going to cost you.