122_Canuck wrote:
Edicius wrote:
The block heater on them goes inline with the oil cooler on the side of the block and the hoses are a different composition (silicon innards with a rubber outside) but its not like the inline heater is making it grossly warm in there.
These heaters are fine with hoses etc. They will not bake anything, the hose itself can handle a fair bit of heat (that's the point) and the heater itself is incased in a separate can that holds the element. The coolant in the hose is then brought up to temperature and circulates. Most new cars that have block heaters as an option use this type of heater instead of the frost plug style.
Found this old thread and wanted to ask about installing a circulating style heater in an 86 740 NA. I bought a Zerostart tank style circulating heater but am unsure where to plumb it in.
From looking at the instructions the inlet goes as low as possible on the block, and the outlet should go to the heater inlet hose so it circulates through the heater core and then back to the engine. Does this make sense?
After reading through this thread I don't know if I want to be pulling out frost plugs as the instructions suggest so trying to figure out where to pipe the inlet to. Also if I mount the heater on the passenger side fender down on the frame rail would I need to run a hose up and around to tee into the heater hose as the line that comes off the side of the water pump is hard piped around the side of the engine.
I hate to say it but once I got looking at installing this my first thought is to take it back and get the heater that splices into the lower rad hose. I don't think these work as well as the tank style at getting the whole system hot?
The final thought is why I am doing this in the first place as the car already has a block heater? My oldest daughter who is driving this car is bitching about loosing her spot in the garage and has to park outside now (wah!!). I am trying to get it so the car is warm right away, even though we know Volvo's heat up quick we're talking whiny teen here....