Ugly Duck wrote:
Are you sure it's the control pressure regulator, Craig? It should start on the cold start injector, even if it doesn't run very well afterwards. If your cold start injector isn't working, it's probably one of two things: the thermal time switch is busted or unplugged, or the power wire has come off the starter solenoid.
In other words: what's it doing to make you say CPR? topic we go. The car will start and run for a second, ergo the cold start injector and the corresponding parts (termal time switch) are functioning. The car then proceeds to either quit running or when it does finally run, runs like crap (to a carb guy it seems like I'm not getting enough choke - in other words it is lean.). From what I've read, this is the function of the control pressure regulator. As the temps go down, the CPR provides more fuel while the engine warms up and then leans out again. And when the car is warm, it starts and runs fine. This could also be the source of the little surge that I get at 2k rpm.
From what I've read, ( and Brickboard) this seems like the most likely faulty part. If this doesn't solve the problem, then we are back to the thermal time switch/cold start injector. I've got a spare cold start injector and that spare idle control thingy that you gave me. Greg donated a thermal time switch and the wax thermostat (correct for B23) from his IKEA parts bins.
We'll get her to go - but the parts aren't in, and I'm off to Ottawa until Jan 5. So it won't get fixed for another couple of weeks.
Ian, we've had some wicked winds here lately...just not that much snow (compared to you guys). There was an inch of ice on my office windows last Monday as I face Northwest and the sort of forgot to turn on the heat in the new building