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 Post subject: Rant - what pisses me off
PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 8:59 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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OK, I consider myself very easy going, it takes a lot to get me upset, but if you want to piss me off all it takes is not keeping a commitment.

As some of you know I am re-doing my back yard, putting in a gravel parking pad this year and installing a patio next year. The back fence I am doing in chain link fence with a 12' gate to get cars in and out. Now all this sounds simple enough, especially when I am doing all the work myself.

We almost, the chain link fence has been supplied by Lynx Brand Fencing. When I made arrangements to get the fence supplies I called 4 days in advance and made the order, the arrangement were for everything to be ready for me to pick them up on a Friday ... well I arrived and nothing was ready, the person I spoke to had the day off and I spent almost an hour while they ran around gathering the parts I needed.

So I finally get the fence bits, take them home and install the posts and fencing. I was told that after the main gate posts were installed to give them a call and the gates would be made to fit the opening. I did just that, on a Monday 3 weeks ago I ordered the gates and was told they could be up to 5 weeks to make the gates, but they would call when ready. Well a surprise, on Thursday this week, just 3 weeks after the order the gates are ready (OK these are not cheep, $425 for a 12' opening). I called them and made arrangement for them to deliver the gates. The delivery was to be Saturday morning for a $60 delivery fee. This is where I get pissed, they did not arrive!!!!. Yes this is strike 2 for Lynx Brand Fencing, I stay in all Saturday waiting, no call, no delivery, no answer on company or cell phones.

We will see if anyone listens to my "heated" voice message I left. I understand things happen, but all it takes is a call. Let the customer know what is happening, don't just ignore me and waste my time.

Thanks for listening

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1989 744TI Ford 302, Wilwood Brakes, 5 speed

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:35 pm 
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I want to give you a hug right now...

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 9:38 pm 
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There, there... Image

I know how you feel. Nowaday, it really become a rare thing to get good service. :evil:

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 12:12 am 
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Hey Ian, want me to go weld all the doors closed on their work vans? Or plates to close their exhausts? :)

- R

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:20 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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that sucks Ian... :(

hopefully it works the way if you need a hand with that don't hesitate to give the cell a call...if i am here (most likely) i'll whip right over


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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 2:29 am 
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man that sucks, its such a let down to pay good money for a product and then when it comes time for the company to deliver on their part they couldnt be bothered.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 22, 2006 5:21 pm 
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I've got about people who buy your stuff on ebay and then complain and refuse to pay because they don't realize that shipping something to finland from canada is going to be expensive.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:07 am 
Canadian Tire Bolt ons

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Ian, welcome to my world. As you know I'm in the landscaping bus. and I swear your day on saturday is everyday of my life. Outside of plumbers, chain-link fence companies are the worst!
I'm not sure about linx brand cause I've never dealt with them but phoenix fence has to employ criminals in order to keep staff in the back. One of my guys made the mistake of getting angry one time and he ended up having to leave with product cause he serious feared he was going to get his ass kicked. The dudes in the back simply don't give a F$%& and have absolutely nothing to loose.

That reminds me of another experience we've recently had with criminals. We were working out in Heritage Point and my guys showed up in the morning and started unloading the truck. Duncan leaves his back pack on the front lawn while he heads around back. 10min. later the garbage truck goes buy and the dude grabs his back pack, and kept going. 2min later Duncan realizes what happened and grabs the next biggest dude (D. is about 6'3" and 250lbs) on our crew and heads after the truck. Thinking they were going to intimidate the guy into giveing the pack back, they were in for quite the surprise.
Now to give you perspective of how far they were willing to go to get the pack you'll have to know what was in it: an ipod (full video), lunch, sunglasses, extra cloths, various hand tools, journal/daytimer with all of our employ's hours logged for the past 2 months, not to mention the relatively new MEC pack.
When they caught up with truck and pulled it over, only one of the guys got out of the truck and he was the little one (5'8"ish). However, the plethera of tattoos (most notably "get F$%^& tattooed on both hands) and the permenantly angry and scared face of this guy sent D and B pack'en.
Moral of the story, you can't win when it comes to idiot chain-link fence companies and most notably scary dudes!

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 10:27 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Chris C wrote:
Ian, welcome to my world. As you know I'm in the landscaping bus. and I swear your day on saturday is everyday of my life. Outside of plumbers, chain-link fence companies are the worst!
I'm not sure about linx brand cause I've never dealt with them but phoenix fence has to employ criminals in order to keep staff in the back. One of my guys made the mistake of getting angry one time and he ended up having to leave with product cause he serious feared he was going to get his ass kicked. The dudes in the back simply don't give a F$%& and have absolutely nothing to loose.

That reminds me of another experience we've recently had with criminals. We were working out in Heritage Point and my guys showed up in the morning and started unloading the truck. Duncan leaves his back pack on the front lawn while he heads around back. 10min. later the garbage truck goes buy and the dude grabs his back pack, and kept going. 2min later Duncan realizes what happened and grabs the next biggest dude (D. is about 6'3" and 250lbs) on our crew and heads after the truck. Thinking they were going to intimidate the guy into giveing the pack back, they were in for quite the surprise.
Now to give you perspective of how far they were willing to go to get the pack you'll have to know what was in it: an ipod (full video), lunch, sunglasses, extra cloths, various hand tools, journal/daytimer with all of our employ's hours logged for the past 2 months, not to mention the relatively new MEC pack.
When they caught up with truck and pulled it over, only one of the guys got out of the truck and he was the little one (5'8"ish). However, the plethera of tattoos (most notably "get F$%^& tattooed on both hands) and the permenantly angry and scared face of this guy sent D and B pack'en.
Moral of the story, you can't win when it comes to idiot chain-link fence companies and most notably scary dudes!

Your job must be Hell

Lynx Brand phoned this morning with an apology, (sounds like he plain forgot) anyway they say they will deliver tonight, I will let you know if it happens

By the way Chris, If I could get the addres of the driveway you sent me pic's of I would love to see it up close .... looked awesome

Volvord Image
1989 744TI Ford 302, Wilwood Brakes, 5 speed

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 23, 2006 7:14 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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So the saga continues ....

yes the gate was delivered, but...
They only included one set of hinges (I think you need 2 sets of hinges to hang 2 gates)
They did not include 5 brackets I had ordered the he quickly noticed were on the order pad.
...and only enough privacy slats for 10' of fence, I ordered enough for 20'

Anyway he says he will deliver the other pair of hinges and the brackets tomorrow, the slats will be ordered and delivered when they come in ... :x :evil:

Volvord Image
1989 744TI Ford 302, Wilwood Brakes, 5 speed

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 12:45 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 11:39 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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The remaining hinges and brackets were delivered last night. The gates are installed and fit great (yay something went right).
Mow I am just waiting for the rest of the privacy slats

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1989 744TI Ford 302, Wilwood Brakes, 5 speed

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