this is from posts on other forum's, continuing other thread's...anyway i thought what the hell i'll post it here too
Time for an UPDATE!
I'll try to make this chronological as best I can remember...but first time for a guessing game...the answer is below...what do ya'll think this is? (don't cheat and read the url...bad bad

The Volvo in question first night it was home, on the summer tires that I had on my 760
A lower chassis brace I made, pretty much same design as iPD's
The driving lights I added, relay'd to the brights to be legal for TSD'ing
The first CSCC winter autoX event (the wagon is my buddy Raz)
While at the junkyard one day i found an early 80's US wagon with the skinny light bumper's which we didn't get in Canada, here's the front one swapped on
(the rear bumper will have to wait until I get the proper bumper shocks as the ones on the wagon were welded to a trailer hitch, which in turn was welded to the frame)
Next I thought about stripping the trunk for a spare tire mount/get rid of the sub etc.
here's what i found under the carpet...
eck...not good...but after much wire brushing...
looks a little better...
the triangle handle part is skinny enough so that I can slide the spare wheel over top of it, this will cut time when i need to change a tire because all I will have to do is loosen the nut a few threads then slide the plate out, then lift out the wheel
next comes the toolbox mount, using this for a towrope, first aid kit, and a small tool kit etc.
while reading the CARS rule book i noticed the bit about the tow hook spec's, so i made's the front mounted to the stock tow hook location, the OEM Volvo tow hook does not work with the front GT spoiler i have, so that's why i had to make one, plus I think mine is better anyway!
and here is the rear, again using the stock mounting location, in addition to this it has a bracket around the bumper shock bolt
I havn't used the rear one yet, but I have rotted on the front one pretty hard spinning another Volvo 180 degrees around then towing it up hill a couple blocks, all in reverse
phew...still here?
next was to fix the problem of only having one tire traction, a big problem I found while at the winter autoX...Lincoln provided the locker
needless to say I LOVE having this mod...w00t!
however the little crap mudflaps I had on the rear got ripped off quite fast...they were only paper thin and held in with self tapping screws on the fender, I decided I needed to make some stronger mudflaps, I went to a local parts store and bought a big truck mudflap...step's/results below
the only mounting place to the car is at the "gas tank protection traingles", the other metal is just to stiffen the mudflaps up a little bit. If you wanna know what strong steel is try drilling thru a Volvo "gas tank protection triangle"...took me 25mins each side for the one little hole...
after driving for about a week I had realized I made the mudflaps a little to long and they would drag on corners etc, so I trimmed them a bit, this is them from the back as they are now
Regarding rally'ing in the future I went out looking for wheels, 14" for my winter's, and 15" for the mud/gravel's...from friends and the junkyard I found 5 more OEM 14" GT wheels (like the ones on the car right now) and 6 OEM 15" Sirius wheels...the sandblaster who does work for our company blasted and painted all 11, for really cheap too! here's what they look like
14" GT wheels ~13-14.5 lbs...soon to be wrapped in Hakka 2's (coming in the mail as we speak)
the 15" Sirius wheels ~15 lbs (not my pic, but this is what they look like)
so that's all I have for now...havn't taken pics of my exhaust but it's a cherry bomb turbo muffler DP back with side exit stylez, the airbox has been gutted and a drop in K&N filter is in there now, the tranny has also been short shifted, and a momo wheel installed
hopefully within the next month I will have the interior partially stripped, an adjustable/removeable co-driver footrest done up, another rear tow hook installed, and a metal sump guard fab'd.
oh and i know it's a bit late, but here's the GT on christmas day...
questions/comments always welcome, good or bad