940 16 valve wrote:
I noticed on the bottom of my vacuum pump (lower drivers side shock tower) where the hose coming from the servo at the throttle body connects, there is a second nipple that doesn't have anything plugged into it. Also if I disconnect the vacuum hose from the servo and suck on it, I can't create a vacuum, but if I plug that spare nipple, it does hold vacuum. Maybe there was a connection there that went to the tranny that got pulled when we did the swap? wanna check yours and see if it's the same? Can anyone with functional cruise verify that that's normal/not?
I'll look at the 740 for reference. It has an M46 with working cruise. Hopefully it's pretty much the same system that's on our 940s.
940 16 valve wrote:
Also I assume there's a connection from the old auto shifter that would tell the cruise that the car was in drive, is that the connection you're referring to? I don't think I ever figured that out when I did the swap so maybe that's the issue and yours is just hooked up wrong (and mine not at all)?
There was one there that would tell if the shifter was either in P or N otherwise you couldn't start it. I jumped those two wires so that the car would start. I don't have my manuals and wiring diagrams with me so I can't recall if there's anything that was to tell the cruise if the car was in D or not.
The connections I'm referring to are the ones at the pedals. I disconnected the lines that went to the shift lock system on the brake pedal and then added on the connector for the wires going into the clutch pedal vacuum switch and wired all that into the circuit. I'm pretty sure I did that correctly, that's why I was surprised the cruise didn't work when I tested it out. Maybe one of the clutch or brake vacuum pedal switches is out of adjustment and the system thinks one of those pedals is pushed in a bit even though it's not. That's my first suspicion.
940 16 valve wrote:
Well there is an on-board diagnostic for the cruise that they describe on brickboard that I should try out, I'll tell you how that goes!
Yes, please do !