Ugly Duck wrote:
What's up with the jeweled rear window? Newest show of hatred from the blue car?
More hate...that's the size of it. I got the window changed as soon as I got home and reused the frame and found the right tint. At least that part went OK. Oh, and the 122 actually got one fan favorite vote and one guy tried to buy the car. Moral victories all round.
Thanks to everyone for making the even such a fun time. Lots more relaxed than last year and if we can ever get the parking vs frying in the sun equation worked out we'll have this car show thing licked.
For those that missed it - we'll see you next year.
If you don't like car shows much, you'll have to take my word for it that the "people show" is probably just as fun...this year Uncle Jesse showed up in a sectioned S10 with an engine in the middle of the truck bed. He's sectioned the truck just behind the front of the bed with a sawsall and lengthened it 5' then put the box back on (didn't close anything in, jagged metal everywhere). 8" of drive shaft 8-71 blower, sketchy as hell. And yes, he was wearing "railroad" coverall's! Ah, Southern Alberta, land of the free, home of the hill billy. We won't even tell you what the pig farmers from Picture Butte showed up in!