It's stupid because it's a new pit beside one that it's already active for decades and they suddently worried of the impact on the social and environment. It's 200km from any human settlement including indians, so srew them for social impact and with the actual regulations, environmental disturbance is just temporary (in fact, the mine must pays all the cost of reclamation before starting the mine and get back the money if they reclaim it well)
Anyway, it's like the stupid ecologist that doesn't want Quebec to build dam because more water is bad for the fish, but don't say anything when they build a thermic plant.
Oh well, I called somebody else and I get an interview this morning. It's not where I wanted to go, but I wouldn't have to move and anything can improve my situation over my current one.
And as you said Ian. Mining industry is small. I won't start to fight in a situation like because it wasn't the company's wish to cancel the project. I accept that the mining industry is full of cycle and problem like that. It would be different if the project or mine would shut down just because the managers are a bunch of morons (and I'm kind) like the people at the place I am right now.