Ugly Duck wrote:
Yeah, you're right on the money. Timing would be 2.5* further advanced, which won't be much of a problem. Apparently the LH2.4 ignition computer is of the "learning" kind too, but at the very least there is an article on Turbobricks about jumpering certain pins on the ignition computer to modify the overall timing bias. i.e., you should be able to easily take out 2 or 3 degrees to counteract the flywheel shift.
Hey that's good news !

With any luck the computer will be able to compensate for the timing shift and there won't be much of a difference when all is said and done. I kind of wonder how much error there is built into that system anyways. At high revs that flywheel is spinning pretty damn fast so one would have to wonder if there might be close to 2.5 degrees of error inherent within the system to begin with. Who knows, maybe advancing the TDC mark on the flywheel will take some of the error out and it will work better ! (now there's an optimist for you

I will have to search around on T-bricks to find that article. Is this the one you were referring to ? ... hp?t=75838
Question: What is the CPS tied to ? Does it just effect ignition timing or is injector timing tied into it as well ? If it's just ignition timing then it's probably no big deal. 2.5 deg advance on the spark is no big deal. But if the advance also effects the injector timing will that cause any potential issues/problems ?