So, I wake up in front of the TV last night (Friday Dec 21) at about 2:30 - 3:00 a.m. and start flipping channels. I flip to Global TV and guess who's on the telly doing an interview about cricket enclosures ? Yup, it's none other than our very own Ian Giles. The show was called TKO and it's a news magazine show about various new technical gadgets and products.
I was half asleep when I first started watching the interview and somewhere deep down in my fuzzy brain something said, "hey, that guy sure looks familiar." It took me a minute to clear the cobwebs and figure out that handsome devil was Volvord.
I have to say I found his performance riveting. Absolutely spellbinding ! A tour-de-force ! I laughed, I cried....
I think you missed your true calling, Ian. Should've been a TV personality.

Seriously though, you did a good job and looked very comfortable and polished. I give it a definate thumbs up.