Hi y'all,
On Monday I took the "new" 744 Ti that we bought from Geoff in for it's out-of-province inspection. It failed. Turns out they didn't like Geoff's modified exhaust system which is pretty much a straight pipe and a Thrush muffler. No cat, no resonators. It's not that it's too loud or anything (it's actually not that loud at all), they say it has to be similar to stock and MUST have a catalytic converter.
I priced out a replacement system including a cat and it's very expensive. We don't want a new exhaust system, we like the system that's in there already. We just have to get the car through the damn inspection.
My plan was to go down to PnP and pull the exhaust system out of the 740 that's there, bolt it into my 740, get through the inspection, take that system back out, put the modified system back in and take the PnP system back for a refund.
Well just after noon today I borrowed my neighbour's truck and drove all the way down to PnP. I lugged one of those big carts all the way out to the import section and guess what ? They CRUSHED the friggin' thing earlier this morning !!!

What's worse is there wasn't another 740 in the entire yard.
Aaaarrrrghhh !
So now I'm kinda stuck. What I'm wondering is if there's some kind soul out there that would let me "borrow" their stock 740 sedan exhaust system for a few hours so I can get our car through the damn inspection. What I would do is unbolt your system at the flange just ahead of the catalytic converter and take everything out behind that as one piece. I'd then slam it into the red 740, take it over to the inspection place so the guy could take a quick look at it and pass it. I'd then head right back to your place, replace your system, reinstall mine and get the f*** out of there.
Can anybody help ? Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaase ?
Please PM me or call me at 270-7319 if you can help me out.