Here is a message just sent out by Gregg Morris of BC Volvo Club. Craig Coburn and I (Dave Major) were there last year and it was lots of fun
. I am going this year.
Gregg is trying to see if enough people are coming to make it worthwhile so if you can or might be able to go send Gregg an email [] or phone him. Here is Gregg's message:
Hi Everybody,
Here we go again…. Volvos in Osoyoos 2010??
This message is to gauge interest in having another of our informal Volvos in Osoyoos non-events c/w winery tour and drives, this September 17-19, 2010. Please reply to this message letting me know whether you will, won’t or might attend. If there is enough interest I will proceed to organize it as usual.
For those you who are unfamiliar with our Volvos in Osoyoos events, we have had five of them over the years. The first three were official Volvo Club of BC events and the 2008 and 2009 events were more informal.
In 2008 and 2009 Rose and I just decided to spend a long weekend in Osoyoos and made an arrangement for a block of rooms at the beach-front Poplars Motel and told all our friends in case anyone wanted to join us. To our pleasure and surprise many of our Volvo-driving friends joined us and we all had a great time.
We are hoping to do the same thing this year on September 17-19, 2010. Cindy and Frank of the Poplars Motel have agreed to keep the same rates ($65 per night) and will reserve a block of rooms (all with kitchenettes) once I give them the go ahead.
The plan for the weekend would follow our traditional format. Most people arrive in Osoyoos on Thursday and we have supper at the Diamond Steak and Seafood house. On Friday we do a tour of wineries in the southern Okanagan and have a pot luck barbeque supper at the Poplars Motel. On Saturday we will take a drive, probably around Oroville, (just south of the US border from Osoyoos) and come back through the border at Midway so we can attend the Rock Creek fair. We will figure out what to do on Saturday night when the time comes. On Sunday morning we have a farewell breakfast at the Osoyoos Golf and Country Club and head home.
If you want to know what the event was like in 2008 there was a non-event report in the January 2009 VCBC newsletter. Feel free to give me a call (604-469-1216) if you have any questions.
It would sure help if you could give me a yes or no or maybe, so I can decide whether to proceed this year. I will let you know the result.
Gregg and Rose