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 Post subject: Calgary et al. Kickoff Meet Planning Thread
PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:16 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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This is a direct copy of a thread/post i made on ignore the parts that do not apply...need some input though...i will also send this out in email form


"Since Dale put up the PAC NW meet notice i thought i would post the other thread about the hopefully huge Volvo meet...:)

Temporarily planned for May Long Weekend...19, 20, 21, 22...

Basically in Calgary we have about 20 members of the local group, some who are not active TBrickers and cannot make long cruises etc liek the PAC NW would the idea was to have other people come to Calgary to have a "2006 Meets Kickoff Party" involving a BBQ, a mini cruise (remember though, mini to us refers to distance, not the amount of a mini 8 hr cruise or something along those lines), and hopefully as well as a track night on friday the 19th...if the track is open (weather)...and if people can get here for that...

Temp Agenda...input needed to finalize something

Friday May 19 - people arrive and we have a track night followed by some sleep, for those from far away, wobbly pops, and food galore!!! (this may happen may not)

Saturday May 20 - Have a BBQ kickoff party at a dyno shop here in town...after do some photo shoots at various places around the city...basically just have fun in Calgary and allow people to "see" Calgary...who havnt before

Sunday May 21 - the mini cruise...TBA on that sunday...prior to sunday some of us Calgarians will plan it...but will not tell everyone where/what we are doing until the day of th cruise...i think this is a neat idea...especially for those out of town'ers who join us!

After the cruise either have a night of relaxation/hanging out/sleep...OR...leaving and heading home...although Monday the 22nd is a holiday so you can drive home that day too.

Thoughts, ideas, question, comments, suggestions???



VOLVO - not just a car, it's an addiction.

Last edited by Tha VZA on Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 10:01 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Sounds like a great idea, what more could you ask for, good friends, good food, and good cars .... and a good warm-up before the Three Hills Show

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1989 744TI Ford 302, Wilwood Brakes, 5 speed

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 2:31 pm 
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that sounds like a blast. can't wait.

future 850 PWNer

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 28, 2005 3:38 pm 
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:10 pm 
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I'll be there! :wink:

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 3:18 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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bump to spark some interest/convo's and edited the main post


VOLVO - not just a car, it's an addiction.

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:32 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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There's a few guys from edmonton on tbricks (or there have been in the past). don't suppose any of them have registered here? Ian rankin?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 25, 2006 8:28 pm 
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i might come :) i live 10 mins away from edmonton

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 1:17 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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[QUOTE=Geoff240Ti]Well.. my camping trip is canceled now. There is a good chance I could make it! Are there any spots left on the dyno? My 244 won't be busting out any impressive #'s @ 10psi but it would still be fun.
So there is a slight chance I could make it...[/QUOTE]

so if Geoff comes from SK for the long weekend...i think he should def get a shot on the dyno...


Tyler's Lexus (yes???? no????)
Andy's Brother
Ricky (if his car is running)
Geoff (maybe)


VOLVO - not just a car, it's an addiction.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 6:38 am 
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Put me down. I'll probably be out there that weekend picking some stuff up.


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 12:06 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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dyno'ing? or just top come hang out

(this is going to almost as big as last years sept. bbq)


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PostPosted: Thu Apr 13, 2006 3:42 pm 
0-60 in VERY FAST
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i will be there but i wont be

as for the friday of may long weekend...i'm apparently going to a theatre production...but i will be free on the saturday. as for the sunday, i work till 3 so i will probably miss the cruise, but i can hang out later on.

future 850 PWNer

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PostPosted: Mon May 08, 2006 1:07 am 
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With the help of Vik I have decided to make the trip out.. Not sure how put together the 244 will be (body wise), but figured it would be good to get my Volvo spirit back up, and meet the rest of the Calgary crew. :D

Looking forward to the Meet! See you guys then..

 Post subject: Re: Calgary et al. Kickoff Meet Planning Thread
PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:28 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Tha VZA wrote:

Temporarily planned for May Long Weekend...19, 20, 21, 22...

Temp Agenda...input needed to finalize something

Friday May 19

people arrive and we have a track night, watching/racing whatever happens happens, followed by some sodas, and food galore, bascially hanging out! maybe then do up a dealership meet/late night cruise for the youngers boys and any retiree's up for it! :wink:

Saturday May 20

Have the BBQ kickoff party at Techmotion Dyno Shop...Matt can we bring a BBQ or two using your dodge to Techmotion? early sat morning i will galdy help with anything after do some photo shoots at various places around the city...basically just have fun in Calgary and allow people to "see" Calgary...who havnt before

later at night for whoever is down maybe head up to the BS races to hang out for a bit...again up to whoever wants to come

Sunday May 21

the mini mountain cruise...Dale make sure you have a plan! lol

After the cruise either have a night of relaxation/hanging out/sleep...OR...leaving and heading home...although Monday the 22nd is a holiday so you can drive home that day too.


input? questions? suggestions?


VOLVO - not just a car, it's an addiction.

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PostPosted: Mon May 15, 2006 12:49 am 
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i'm game, racing friday will be grandpa said we should be home friday morn or thursday night so that means i'm here for the weekend of festivities!

2006 Subaru Sti

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