Ya, the Vanderwoode Turbo Beetle was pretty good at the 100' as always (I still think they should create a family shoot-out for that part of the weekend). By far the biggest bust was the local mounted police guy at the 100' - Crown Vic couldn't get the tires to rotate (I mean, I used to do burnouts in my clapped out AMC Hornet...WTF). Then the cops on the mic were extolling the virtues of keeping the racing on the track and off the street (when we don't have a track and neither does Calgary) - lame-o-rama. One of my personal favorites was that turbo Chevelle - you don't expect to see one of those with turbo power. It was pretty stealthy (note, not driven by a fat guy).
The show was as Matt described - coming up in quality very fast and quite a few really nicely turned out cars. Gone are the pig farmers from Picture Butte. We were through it pretty fast - the blue Mustang (can't find a pic of it to steal and post here) was excellent as were many more. Then there was the bone stock Delta 88...WTF, that thing wasn't interesting in 1984.

Fresh off the boat.

Yes, it's on the rockers and painted with a brush.

Dude with snake checking out the slick paint on the 'Stang.

Pro-built Camero because it's a little too nice.

Air-cooled collection.

Race cars don't need to run or have bumpers. He was supposed to be the between class entertainment - broke both times. Dude, do your shake down before you've got an audience...just sayin.

Cone crushing was pretty good...but the winners in the combined class 1 and 2 (so that's the 4 cylinder guys with maybe one power adder) were just 2 seconds slower than the class 3 and 4 guys (AWD, turbo, slicks yadda, yadda). It was only a 40 second course, but it did make me want to actually try this sometime soon - I need to get a helmet.
Weirdness there included only Mustangs from the big three (well, one Vega with a blower that I could have outrun and the Focus that Matt's already covered - loud exhaust and an unskilled pilot - again, the 242 down a cylinder driven well could have beat him) - no Camero's or Corvettes as in past years. No hot rods per se and only one truck. From Europe - 3 VW's and one Merc...where were the trash in BMW's and Audi's? Lots of JDM stuff - some good, some not so much. Why cruise a Lotus Elise then not bring it to the dance? Buddy with the Tesla in town should try it. I think the autox guys have the most fun, but draw the smallest crowd and that's a real shame. I'm sort of sick of seeing all the JDM body kit boys at the show and shine when they don't come and compete.