Hi Guys,
Just like many, I've got a Princess Auto blast cabinet and it's been rather heavily used in the past few years. It's dim, sort of sputters a lot and the low quality hoses and gun have ticked me off for years. I found a supplier online that sells upgrade parts for these Chinese cabinets.
Here's where I started:

Upgrade #1 - New supply tube. The new one is substantially larger and a different design, but bolts right in.

Upgrade #2 - New gun and supply line.

This is the line that kinks all the time.

Upgrade #3 - New gloves. Now with feel and easy to install.

Upgrade #4 - LIGHT - for the love of Pete - the florescent tube that was in my cabinet was like blasting in the dark. I went for the full monty with a duplex socket and interior flood light.

Whoa - that's a lot of light.