ok so i woke up early today to get some wrench time in before work and i managed to locate what is causing the problems, and to be honest i dont understand it at all. Ok so heres where i try to explain it, on the front(engine side) of the intake manifold there is a large brass nipple (Its about the diameter of your pointer finger) with a hose on it, anyways i believe this goes to the aux air valve or something I do not know. Alright so now i have successfully pinpointed when my engine started to run rough, I was pulling out of the garage to just putt on down the alley a bit cause i was so pumped to have the car running, but as i pull out i here a weird whoshing sound, so i get out and notice that hose, so what did i do? i plugged it, then i go to start here up and THATs when she wont idle.
So i tried a few things, i uplug it, it idles fine, I thought maybe the IC was clogged or something so i hooked my filter directly to the cold side of the IC and plugged the hose up again- wouldnt idle. So basically id say im doing something wrong with that hose on the intake mani. I beleive it is for an aux air valve, but i thought for initial start up i wouldnt need it, Could this be my problem??