Ok so i've done a bunch of reading on T-bricks and am trying to get some ideas on how to build one. Ive seen everything from pop bottles to elaborate set ups. I know Ian had a neat one fabbed up from an A/C canister(i think). I was wondering if anyone had some ideas for one, and if ian maybe you could let me in on your secret design
Now i have read a bunch of conflicting views on how to set them up, some say route it back to your intake and some say you can vent to atmosphere.
I would like to keep my turbo/intake as clean as possible so i think venting to atmosphere would be my more desirable option. Is there any objection to this? Some t-brickers were talking about vacuum leaks which made no sense to me because all your doing is venting gas/mist from the crankcase.
Anyways if anyone has some creative ideas let me know!