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 Post subject: Urgent !! Need 4 bad tires and a worn out B230FT
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:04 pm 
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Hey Everyone,

Well, despite the fact that I found a way for my insurance company to fix my 940T for only a couple thousand dollars they want to write it off because the airbags deployed on a 5 mph collision that didn't do any other damage to the car. :x

Before I give them my car for the settlement I urgently need 4 15" steel rims with bad tires on them to replace the wheels & tires I have on it now. And you can bet my IPD sways are coming out before it goes !! :twisted:

Also, does anyone have a worn out B230FT ? I'd like to pull my engine this weekend and give them a crap engine instead. My engine has low miles on it and has a completely rebuilt head that only has about 1500 Km on it since it was rebuilt. Would certainly need help pulling the engine if anybody wants to help out. I have commitments for Sunday so would have to do the work on Saturday.

Failing that, does anybody have a pooched stock turbo that would fit that car ? Might as well save my good turbo and give them a crap one if nothing else. Would be good to save that head too if possible.

Not all is lost though, I've found another really nice 940T down in the States and am making arrangements to buy it with the money I'm getting from my insurance company. This one has hydras, custom 3" exhaust, Bilstien HDs, sport springs, probably IPD sways, IPD turbo cam and a bunch of other things my ex 940 doesn't have. Apparently it goes like stink. :D Looks like another adventure bringing a car up from the States is coming up soon !!

Anybody who has stuff I have to swap out of my 940 like wheels or whatever please get in touch with me ASAP. Home/office is 270-7319. Cell is 701-7319.



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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:38 pm 
747 Jet engine being stuffed into trunk
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I can trade my 400,000 km old engine and turbo for yours! :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:32 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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I've got four steelies you could use. 14" though.

Wish I could help more.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:36 pm 
747 Jet engine being stuffed into trunk
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volvoshredder wrote:
I've got four steelies you could use. 14" though.

Wish I could help more.

14" will fit at the rear, but not at the front.

But if your 940 won't ever run again, just remove your front brakes and put the 14"! :lol:

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:34 am 
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do you have the option to buy it back? Then you can part it out at your leisure, or keep it

2006 Subaru Sti

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:14 am 
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Edicius wrote:
do you have the option to buy it back? Then you can part it out at your leisure, or keep it

They're giving me $7000 for my car and the buy back price is $2450. The thing is I will need all of the settlement money to pay for this other car in the States that I'm interested in and I don't have much extra cash at the moment so I'd rather get as much good stuff off the car as I can before I turn it in to them. I'm going down to PnP today to see if I can get a turbo, a water pump, maybe a whole head and a set of stock sways. Oh yeah, and a set of steelies with crap tires.

This may end up working out real nice in the long run. That's IF I get this other car I'm after. It's got more options on it than my car had (i.e. a glass sunroof & heated seats) plus it's got all the performance goodies that I would like to have (3" exhaust, bilstien HDs, sport springs, performance cam, etc.). The A/C works too. Only problem with it is that it's black. I hate black. Black cars always look dirty no matter what you do. The car I'm giving up is a charcoal grey so I guess it's not that much different. That car shows dirt like crazy too.

It's crazy that they're writing that car off. I found them a way of saving them over $4000 by repairing it with used OEM parts but they wouldn't go for it. Idiocy. What a waste of a perfectly good car ! :(

Do you think the insurance company will get mad if I give them a car with most of the good parts changed out for crap ones ? Is it legal to do what I'm planning to do ?


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:36 pm 
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Why don't you call them and ask them? I'm sure that the basis of their estimate is for stock parts, so unless you had the vehicle re-appraised for a higher value with the better parts then I don't think you would be obligated to give the parts to them, just so long as they get a working car still.

2006 Subaru Sti

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 6:07 pm 
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Edicius wrote:
Why don't you call them and ask them? I'm sure that the basis of their estimate is for stock parts, so unless you had the vehicle re-appraised for a higher value with the better parts then I don't think you would be obligated to give the parts to them, just so long as they get a working car still.

I did ask them. I located all the parts they'd need, outlined all the cost savings they'd get fixing it using the parts I'd found vs writing it off and even volunteered to install the bumper impact absorber myself but they wouldn't go for it. I think it could be because they don't want to take the risk of using "used" parts. Funny thing is, the parts that were in my car before the accident were just as "used".

At any rate, Athal has helped me locate some free 15" steelies with crap tires on them and tomorrow I'm heading to the PnP to see if I can find some crap parts to swap into my ex-940. :twisted: Hope I can get a cylinder head, turbo and a water pump for it.


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2007 7:42 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!

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I'll give you a set of stock swaybars... :D

The catch? I'll need those IPD bars... 8)


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PostPosted: Fri Mar 09, 2007 11:17 am 
I can take anything apart.
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Pylon wrote:
I'll give you a set of stock swaybars... :D

The catch? I'll need those IPD bars... 8)

Unfortunately, the car I'm replacing mine with only has the stock sways so I'll need my IPDs.

It's such a shame they won't fix my car. It's nearly mint. Stupid f**king airbags ! :x

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