Edicius wrote:
holy, you've done some wicked research dude. Have you done a walbrow 255 fuel pump? if you did the 4bar fpr you would need it for the supply end.
Havent done the walbro yet but I have a 255 sitting in my room incase the pump on my car decides it cant handle the stress which is a high possibility even though its brand new. The k-jet flows a little more then the lh fuel pumps and at much higher pressure (5bar as apposed to lh’s 3 bar- I believe) so I hope for now it will do.
Ugly Duck wrote:
swedishmeatballrocket wrote:
benflynn on tbricks sells upgrade kits.
I'm really torn about using Ben as a parts source. From what I've read on Tbrix, he knows nothing about turbocharger operation or size selection, and he sounds dumb as a post. But if you know what you want and if he can supply it for cheap, that's not a bad thing. I just wouldn't listen to anything he's got to say...
/my opinion
I’m beginning to believe your right the more I read over his posts, I first expected him to be some Volvo/turbo guru but some of his posts lead me to think otherwise. However I think its good that hes started supplying turbo stuff as I am more comfortable buying stuff off of tbricks members then ebay.
swedishmeatballrocket wrote:
THere are some cool turbo/flow calculators out there. I'd post the link but they're in my faves at home, maybe matt can post? That 60 trim T3 should be great for medium boost, and still spool fairly fast. My T04b is a bit too big for my liking, but I'll make due for now.
I'm planning to use the stock 29(?) lb/hr injectors and suspect they SHOULD be able to handle 15psi. Yes, they might be close to the ragged edge, but I'll be watching things closely. From what I've read and understand, 36lbs should be more than enough if all you're running is 1 bar boost.
I bought 36lbers off dusty for Darth, and he seems to have adjusted to them ok. He *might* get a bigger turdo down the road, but I just wanted clean injectors for both cars. THe 242 running LH 2.2 won't adjust as well, so that's why I'm using a nice cleaned and balanced set of stock injectors.
Ok yea ill look into some 36lbs CFIs I actually had a pair in my hand at PNP the other day but decided against it as I wasn’t sure if they would be enough. I get confused sometimes on T-bricks because even though there is a ton of information on the CFI injectors everyone is running them at different pressures and everyone has a different setup so I find it hard to come up with a good plan for my set up.
Are you going to be running the stock injectors at 3 or 4 bar?
Im also running MS on the GT so it will just be a matter of revamping my whole configuration
Ugly Duck wrote: