I'd like to ask a small favour of you all. Some of you might know that I do some promo/publicity work to help a very talented but struggling rock band (The Plaid Tongued Devils) based here in Calgary. I have just posted a short video clip (less than 2 min) on YouTube.com. It features an absolutely incredible smokin' hot electric violin solo performed by the band's violinist, Jonathan Lewis

. It's absoulutely amazing to watch. I guarantee you'll be VERY impressed.
I took the video myself in Delft, Netherlands when I went on tour in Europe with the band in May, 2005.
We (the band and I) would like to see this video get viewed by lots and lots of people all over the world. The thing about YouTube is there are so many videos being posted all the time it's hard to get your video seen by many people unless it gets on their "Featured" list. But it's a chicken and egg situation because the only way to get a video on their featured list is for it to have been viewed and rated by lots of people.
So this is where you come in. At the end of this message is a link to the page where the video can be seen. Please go to the page and view the video. If you already have a YouTube account PLEASE leave a comment and give the video a high rating (i.e. 4 or 5 stars out of 5). If you don't have an account, I ask you to please consider opening one so you can do that. It's free and only takes a minute or two to sign up. This is completely optional of course. You help a lot simply by viewing the video even if you don't have time to sign up and leave a comment and/or a rating.
I'm also asking you to PLEASE forward the link (or this message) to as many people as you can who would enjoy seeing this video and also ask them to leave their comments & ratings and, of course, pass the link on to more people, etc.
If everyone I send this message to can view the video, leave a rating and pass the word onto a few more people and if some of those people do the same, etc, we should be able to get the viewer numbers for this video up quite quickly. The band and I both thank you for doing what you can to help us get noticed in the wide world of YouTube. It's important to help Canadian talent get noticed in the world.
Ok, here's the link:
Thank you all so much and enjoy !