Pylon wrote:
Not only that, I can't see if the idiot driving can actually see me or is even looking at me so I have no idea what his next move might be. Over 20 years in the courier business trains one to read what other people are about to do. You do that by watching their head/face. If you can't see it, you can't even guess. I don't like guessing, let alone not having a clue...
I guess the bright side of that is you also can't tell when they're giving you the finger or mooning you
! That's a good thing, isn't it, Dale ?
That being said, I don't want to tint my windows real dark, maybe just a 35% tint. I think that's what was on the other 940. For the sake of any cop that happens to pull me over for speeding and to try and avoid getting busted for having tinting on my front side windows I'll simply roll my window down long before the cop walks up to the side of the car to ask for my insurance and registration. That way the cop will have no problem visually assuring him/herself that I'm not about to surprise them pulling a gun on him/her.
Anyways, I won't have any money to blow on a pro tinting job for a while so it's not a huge pressing issue at the moment. But, like Matt I intend to get the fronts done too, just not all that darkly. So I remain defiant and rebellious but in a sort of measured and thoughtful kind of way...