Okay, some pictures of them installed in the headlights, comin' your way. Piktars left full resolution for a reason. Also, all pix are F8.0 and 1/180, full manual, for light output and colour comparison. They were all also shot with a tripod and without moving the camera, so if you save these pix to your computer you should be able to flick through them for a pretty good idea of the pattern and position difference. Headlights were held in a vice about 20" away from the wall.
First the 7" round Bosch, high beam:
And the 7" round Bosch, low beam:
Comments on installing the HIDs into these and the rectangular Bosch lights: I had to grind the crap out of the housing to get these to fit them. There's an inner lip on the housing that doesn't do anything with regard to aligning the lights, but it sho does get in da way.
Notice the high beams aren't terrible, but the low beams have a pretty bright spot high and center. I think that's going to have to get fixed with a shield mod before I use 'em.
Here's the Bosch rectangular high beams (4x6 rect. high/low lights):
And the low beam:
These are by far the worst, with regard to the low beam pattern. The 7" round have a forward shield, which prevents unreflected light from leaving the assembly. The H4 bulb has the tip painted, which is good enough for the 4x6, but obviously without anything there to prevent light from shining forward, you get a whole lot of scatter.
And here are Dale's funky Brazilian headlights. These had no troubles fitting the bulbs at all, nor do they have forward shields, but the pattern seems to be the least affected out of the three. However, the flimsy plastic clips were straining trying to hold in the beefier HID housing, and I'm afraid that after a few days in the car the bulbs would break the cilps and fall out.
And the low beam: