Hi y'all,
If you read my other thread you might be aware that I've had some frustrations getting my red 740 through the out-of-province inspection due to Midas not liking my perfectly good non-stock exhaust system.
Well, that's not all that's not going right for me now. I'm also having problems completing my AW71-M46 tranny swap on my 940. While I had the car up on stands and had the exhaust off I thought it might be nice to have a block heater in the car so I decided to knock out a frost plug and install one. Boy, do I EVER regret that decision !!
First of all it was a real battle getting that frost plug out. I did finally get the #$*%($#@ thing out but I cannot for the life of me get that $$#*%$@!!@#$ block heater to seal. Once I had it down to a very slow weep but after taking it back out and trying again it just pours out of the friggin' thing. I've tried using silicone around the o-ring and plug hole. That didn't work. I've also tried using seal-all the same way. No dice.
I can get the block heater to go a fair ways into the plug hole but it always wants to back itself out again when I start tightening on the anchoring mechanism. When I do get it snug in there the heater is always protruding at least 3/16" or so out of the engine jacket.
I finally gave up and went to a parts store and got some new frost plugs thinking I'd just drive one back in there and forget about it. Well, it turns out I can't get a straight shot at the frost plug to drive it in because the #$$*$%)($#U exhaust manifold is partially in the way.
It seems the only way I can drive a new plug in is to take the entire exhaust manifold off which is a bit of a bitch on a turbo. I REALLY don't want to do that.
So what I'm trying now is this: I coated the inside of the frost plug hole and the block heater o-ring with silicone and have reinserted the block heater. I have pushed it all the way in so it is nearly flush with the engine jacket. I am going to let it sit there overnight and cure before I try tightening the anchoring mechanism. If that doesn't work I don't know what I'll do. I'm thinking desperate times will call for desperate measures. I'm thinking that maybe the next thing I'll try is sinking the block heater in there with a generous coating of JB Weld. Just cement the sucker in there for good.
What do y'all think of that plan ? Is there something else less drastic that you suggest I try before resorting to that drastic measure ? I'm, really getting sick of that block heater thing. What a STUPID idea to try and put one in. I'd like to smash the damn thing with a sledge hammer !