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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:29 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!

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Just to clarify something...

Not that there will be an overwhelming number of Volvos there but I think it's only fair, since this was booked as a "Volvo" dyno day, that the Volvos present will get dyno time first. If there is time for other dyno runs, the non-Volvos will get their turn...

I don't think this will be much of an issue but I figured we might as well get some ground rules in place before hand...


'67 123GT
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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:17 pm 
Vmax 200mph w00t!

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S does my Lexus go first for a baseline or last?

If first I will do it quick and sprint home and get the datsun, i'm curious to what kinda ponies it has :P

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:39 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!

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Tyler wrote:
S does my Lexus go first for a baseline or last?

If first I will do it quick and sprint home and get the datsun, i'm curious to what kinda ponies it has :P

We need to do a baseline pull so I'd suggest the Lexus goes first...


'67 123GT
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:26 pm 
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Sounds good.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 8:45 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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dyno my moms V50 fwd for a baseline????

:twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:


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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:05 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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My car will have already been tuned on The Mustang Shop's dyno by that time, so I'll have first hand numbers to compare with Tecmotion's dyno.

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PostPosted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:41 pm 
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Ugly Duck wrote:
My car will have already been tuned on The Mustang Shop's dyno by that time, so I'll have first hand numbers to compare with Tecmotion's dyno.

kick ass :) Then i'll know the ratio between dynos and be able to get numbers for my car with both = yay :)

Matt, you are the king!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:31 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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also just a question

is it 50 dollars per person with one car or 50 dollars per person with asmanycarsastheycangetdyno'd



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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:49 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!

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hold up, its $50? I think I may be out, I dont really care that much as to what my cars put down but I will come for the BBQ.

Besides you guys have Matt's car as a control.

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PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 10:16 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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did you think it was free Tyler??

Pylon wrote:
Anyhow...on to dyno time. He usually charges $85 an hour for single pulls but...if we get a group of 6 or more people together we can do a dyno "day". He charges $50 a car and you get as many pulls as there is time to do. What he'll do is put a car on the dyno and do a pull and then a second pull. If the first and second pull aren't within a couple of hp, he'll do another. Trev says he's seen this guy do 5 pulls in a row before he loads the next car. There is an extra $10 or $15 for doing a pull with the o2 hooked up.

So...there you have it. If you want to tune a bit or if you just want to know how much hp your car is putting down, this seems like a pretty cheap way to go. I realize we probably won't do this until the spring when everyone pulls the beasts out of the garage but it's something to keep in mind...

May 20th it's booked!!


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:19 am 
Vmax 200mph w00t!

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No I didnt think it was free, I thought it was like $20.

Dont get me wrong, If I had a car taht I cared about how much horsepower it had I would pay the $50 but I dont really care that much about 2 cars that I will never do any engine mods too.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 12:53 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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you don't have to be sorry :lol:

bring the lexus or mini anyway and hang out, have some bbq


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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:39 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Got some good news and some bad news:

Due to me running out of time and money, I probably won't be getting that other EMS running on my car before MLW, and in that case I'll stick with Megasquirt for the summer.

The good news is that the car will be there for the dyno day, barring other unforseen or possibly even forseen problems.

The bad news is that I won't be the baseline 'cause I won't have the car dynoed on another machine by then.

Also since the Megasquirt tune is so volatile to the atmospheric conditions, and that I won't be putting the car on another dyno before I rip it out, I won't be able to get a reliable number after the MLW dyno day.

So life sucks, and we won't have any numbers to compare with except our own, unless Ian actually brings his car to The Mustang Shop and gets Matt to run it on there too.

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PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 12:46 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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And on another topic, there should be a few things for people to know about putting their car on a dyno:

You'll be dyno'ing in direct, which means for M46 cars you'll be in 4th gear and for AW71 cars, third. The AW-71 guys need to make sure they can lock their cars out of 4th, which means your overdrive button and wiring must work properly. My 760's doesn't, which is why I mention it.

In both cases, you'll be taking the engine up to redline, and your driveshaft will be spinning faster than you've probably ever spun it before. I don't want a driveshaft in the head, so make sure your u-joints are all in good shape and lubed up for the event.

Ditto for the condition of the tires and the balance of the wheels. The last thing you want is for a crappy old tire to come apart when it's spinning at 140 mph, or for a wheel to chuck it's center cap or a wheel weight.

I'm sure the shop will have a fire extinguisher and some rags, but it would be a good idea for people to bring some just in case, if you can. Also, keep some change in your pocket for a tow, just in case you blow the driveshaft or the engine decides to compete in the 100 yard rod toss.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 1:19 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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:lol: :lol:

classic post, and good info to check everything beforehand

the thursday before we should do up a "prep" night meet just to make sure everything is all good with people's cars



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