Well I haven't done much with this car in a while, but I did pick up a free '69 as a donor for some parts. It's very rusty. It's got a B20 of unknown quality, Craig says it has what is likely to be a B18 head on it, the carbs look pretty original though. M40, cable clutch system, dual split brake system, etc.
The inner fenders look not too bad and this would update the car should I swap them out, but exactly how to do it? My thought is to cut off the frame horns from both cars and transplant them, which might prove more trouble than it's worth but maybe not. We'll see.
So after pulling the engine, transmission, and rear axle, I have begun pulling things apart. Did I mention it's rusty? First signs of trouble (for the stuff I want to keep, anyway) are in the rails under the tops of the fenders. I'm not sure I expected better than this, but it is a mess.

Yoi! That is some stiffening foam right there! After I scraped it out, I was left with this:

And this:

Here's what the fender looked like:

It's all bondo and foam, ladies and gentlemen.
The other side isn't as bad:

You can still see the primer in the channel!

Being that this area is likely just as bad in the 123, I'm not panicking. It's going to have to get fixed anyway, right? The forensics will continue, and as I uncover further sins (or virtues) I will decide on the path to take.