Well I should probably contribute/ show what I have been up to rather than occasionally being an annoyance in the buy/ sell section so here is a very condensed version of what im doing with this poor car. To be honest I think its ok with it.
Got the car for free from cousins (Thank you!) and immediately decided the only appropriate course of action was to turn it into a stage rally car.
The ultimate goal would be to have it as close to an f-cup/ grupp H car as possible but that will be years down the road.
Current plan is to race open 2wd with it. Stock motor to begin with and not stock everything else.
-t5 box
-toyota 4 runner axle
-shock towers + 4 link
and a bunch of small details.
Anyway here are some pics. Fyi this car is not being built to win shows... its a car that will be beaten and has the very real possibility of dying seeing as its got my ham fisted hands at the wheel and its my first rally car. Also it is the first project i've done of this kind so not going to be perfect by any sense of the imagination.
So without further stalling for time here is some pics...
Fixed a decent amount of rust (there was more than just the rockers)