Sorry for the non-Volvo content but figured some of you here may like this.
I've never owned a bike before and I was absolutely not looking for another project but I came across one I couldn't pass up. The bike is a 150CC '59 Royal Enfield Prince. All REs are made in India now, but this one was built when it was still making bikes in Britain. The Prince is a fairly rare model, about 2500 made in England. It is an upgrade of the Ensign model, which was made in greater numbers. The Ensign was based off what is known as the Flying Flea, the RE125 which was parachuted in with British troops during the Second World War.
The bike was owned by a man who lived south of Leduc. He passed away and his widow asked her neighbour to scrap it for her. The neighbour hung on to it but decided he'd never get to it and sold it to me for $50. It's pretty rough and it's missing quite a bit, but I'm looking forward to the project.

A restored one for reference:

I bought the '59 in October and started the hunt for parts. I found an engine which I'll hopefully have soon. Then, earlier this week, thanks to the powers of Facebook, I found another Prince. It's a 1960 model and I brought it home last night. It's even less complete but it has a few parts that are missing from the first one, so it was a good find!
Only 34 of these were shipped to Canada, and 25 came to Edmonton. I know one has been restored and is now in Red Deer or Calgary. So there are up to 22 still out there somewhere!