More part collecting happened in the last little bit. Well one order.
Suspension is pretty much all here. Not pictured are the roll correction spacers and the trailing arm bearings. They're in storage.
Been busy setting up my garage with the compressor and new tool box. This weekend's agenda is to finish wiring in compressor and reline my welder for .23". Then maybe I'll do something on the car. Unlikely though since I'll likely start the V70R this weekend.
I started spouting off parts I still need to the wife. I didn't think it was a big list. But it is.

Also. I have a line on an engine. I'd rather have built one myself, but this one is a pretty good deal.
B230 penta block
John V rods and pistons
2.5L crank
CNC ported 16v head (then hand finished by Kenny and flow benched).
Electric water pump
Has 3500 miles on it. 2000usd plus probably 500 for shipping.
That's a pretty good deal just on the hard parts. It has the "updated John v pistons" and includes the older ones with the thinner reliefs.
I might be asking for favors if I do get it shipped to the boarder?