Keith here. Fairly new to the Volve scene. I was a VW guy for the past 12 years or so. Wanted a different car but not to different and i always loved 740's so i bought an 850 ?

? Love it so far, eventhough its been motionless for the past 4 months awaiting a motor. Its in now but, i'm low on time to button it up. Can't wait, but i still regret not buyng a 740.
I really enjoy this site and the knowlegable folks that frequent it. I'm anxious to meet a few more of you this summer and look forward to a ride.
And the only joke i can think of... Hope i don't butcher it...
So this guy is in the kitchen and he yells out to his blonde trophy of a wife, "Honey? What are you doing"? She replys " i'm just working on this puzzle in the dinning room". Curious, he goes to see check out the goings on.
He gets there and excitedly she says: "I'm having trouble finding the border, can you help"?
"She says t o him, its a puzzle of a tiger. That part should be easy, i just need to get the border." Concerned, he gently grabs his wifes hand and says: "Honey, my prescious little muffin cake, i'm so sorry to disapoint you but, i don't think theres any way your going to find that border. Now lets put the cornflakes back in the box and we'll get you a real puzzle tomorrow". !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!