aww what a sweetheart. And i'm moving to a bigger place....two bedroom basement of a house...basement of a bungalow, its actually pretty spacious....and i get full run of the backyard, just have to gate it off.
I would never even dream of having a dog in this place to keep for any extended period of time. I mean, I had Misha (my friend's dog, shep x) for the weekend once...she was alright but I wouldn't want to have her for longer than that!
And I am aware of the responsibilities involved in having a bigger dog. I'll have to post up pictures of Lexi, my last dog. Yes, I still lived at home when I had primary care of her, but still. She was essentially my dog. I would be the one walking her, training her, grooming her (and she shed like a mofo!) feeding her, etc.
Either way. I'm one of those silly people who is not complete unless she has a dog in her life.
And for those who think I should "start my family" before I get a dog...pssht. no. I don't see me "starting a family" anytime soon. I confess, I'm a bit of a pain in the ass. I can't see some poor bastard puttin up with me on that level anytime soon. Dogs ARE family, if that makes any sense.
Either way, i cant remember hwo to post pics oops. I've got pics of her on my facebook, and on my myspace as well i believe....