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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 12:08 am 
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athal - i'll trade ya cars for a cruise. Jade's about as tall as my mom...ish...she'll fit fine in the s70 ;) And I'm short...I fit in any and all volvos...which is why i love volvos and not acuras!!!

Andy - you know we luv ya and we only raz ya cause we can. Someday when you're not a brokeass student you'll be building a car that will kick all our asses.

Course, by then I might have my I'll kick everyones ass with my car's cuteness ;) ...need to start whoring myself out.

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:01 am 
747 Jet engine being stuffed into trunk
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pro_star wrote:
athal - i'll trade ya cars for a cruise. Jade's about as tall as my mom...ish...she'll fit fine in the s70 ;) And I'm short...I fit in any and all volvos...which is why i love volvos and not acuras!!!

Andy - you know we luv ya and we only raz ya cause we can. Someday when you're not a brokeass student you'll be building a car that will kick all our asses.

Course, by then I might have my I'll kick everyones ass with my car's cuteness ;) ...need to start whoring myself out.

Kat, no matter how hard you try, you'll always be WWD! (Wrong Wheel Drive) :P :lol:

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:23 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!

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pro_star wrote:
Jade's about as tall as my mom...ish..

'scuse me? Heavy on the "ish" there girl. Jade's about 6'2". Your mom is well under 6'...


'67 123GT
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'99 AMG E55T

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:13 am 
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pssht. alright alright. my mom still classifies under the 'bloody tall' in my does jade...she can fit in my car!!!!!

and my mom's maybe an inch or two under 6 feet....she's pretty tall. i'm the definate shrimp of the family.

and yes, i will always be just doesnt do right wheel drive anymore do they?

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:31 am 
747 Jet engine being stuffed into trunk
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Exactly, so why bother with the newest wwd? :lol:

Raz: Apparently, the part I got from Groton is a Hydraulic Brake Booster. They shipped me the good part and I'll send this one back.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:14 am 
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pa - one word for you....warrenty.

these buggers get pricy when shit goes wrong...and i don't have the knowledge or tools to fix 99.9% of the stuff that will die on me.

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:07 am 
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warranty is for suckers, and so is wrong wheel drive.

New volvos have nothing to do with volvos.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:09 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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pro_star wrote:
pa - one word for you....warrenty.

these buggers get pricy when shit goes wrong...and i don't have the knowledge or tools to fix 99.9% of the stuff that will die on me.

Warranties are great. Time to start collecting tools and getting your hands dirty - that's the fun part about owning your own car. We should start a Kat's toolbox thread - who's got some duplicates they can share?

Coburn Performance - OCD comes naturally.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:48 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Warranties keep you from learning and being a responsible car owner. Kat, once you've built up a tool fund, we'll go shopping.

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:46 pm 
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i've got doubles but unfortunately they are for my box at home.

My suggestion for you kat for tools is to wait for a mastercraft maxium sale...get the set thats usually $500 or $550 I can't remember because when thats on sale it goes for $250 bucks which is a hell of a deal.

2006 Subaru Sti

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:44 pm 
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...thought mastercraft was one of the seven deadly sins here andy? or am I confusing brands?

and when is this sale? let's hit it up!

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 6:58 pm 
747 Jet engine being stuffed into trunk
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Warranties? The only thing that is garantied is that it is garantied that you pay! :lol:

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:15 pm 
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true. i dunno i just like the c30 cause its cute little n pretty...and i can get what i want with it (whoohoo stick here i come)

I mean, come on guys, it's JUST ME. Why the heck do I need a full size sedan?

and for some reason i have a weakness for hatchbacks. they're cute!

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:58 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!

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pro_star wrote:
...thought mastercraft was one of the seven deadly sins here andy? or am I confusing brands?

and when is this sale? let's hit it up!

Mastercraft is good stuff, as is Craftsman. They both get put on wicked sales and they both have lifetime warranties. Mind you, Power Fist from Princess Auto has a lifetime warranty on their tools but I, for one, don't feel like spending all my time taking tools back for replacement...

Go by a Herald paper box on Thursday every week and grab a Canadian Tire flyer that's likely laying on the ground. Don't buy it unless it's at least 60% off retail price...


'67 123GT
'67 122s
'99 AMG E55T

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PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:20 pm 
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alright i'll keep my eyes peeled.

Matt - you're on notice my friend!

Christine....the 98 s70 t5 -466k km...she's sold
The Derp...83k km of gas sipping glory! 2012 Mazda 3 sport mt - about to be sold.
The Nameless 98 v70 t5...waiting for me in Cali

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