Noticed something today while passing someone. My boost guage was beyond the o of the turbo (I know that guage is shit) but it way higher than my setted 12 psi. In the hill, I tried again and same thing. I went WOT a third time and I heard a loud POW and SHHHHH and lost the pressure to the normal level where I should see it. From there, everytime I tried WOT, the boost goes up up up up and I hear a lower POW and boost come back to normal.
The hose between the turbo and the wastegate is fine. (I'm using Dale's ball regulator or whatever it's called)
Since early February when my mother visited me, I drove a huuuuuge 2,500km (no zero missing

) and since I don't need the turbo in town, I was wondering if it has anything to do that it wasn't used in the last 6 monhts...
Anyway, how do I know what's wrong?