Ugly Duck wrote:
122_Canuck wrote:
Ugly Duck wrote:
iadr wrote:
mumble mumble stroker crank since 2001 (-ish ?) mumble mumble
I lol'd
Ya, I'm trying to not only ignore that post, but the voices in my head telling me to do it.
Get a grip, you JUST BUILT an awesome engine for the 122...
...What you really need is a stroker crank for the 242!
(release hand grenade and RUN!)
Oh, that're evil

My goal there is to NOT take that engine out of the car if at all possible. I'm hoping the head work will perk it up a little. Keeping this on topic, when we visited RSI, they did have the stroker crank sitting around. I tried to avoild looking at it, but it sure was a nice looking piece. What would we do without the Chinese?