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 Post subject: Time Crunch/Mods - what to do?
PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 6:51 am 
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Cross posted from Tbrix:


without digressing entirely too much on verbose and over-exasperated details; I have a volvo, I need to make it drivable for PacNW - BUT! To which degree? Nth?


I have a 1988 Volvo 745ti

I have a B230FT (90+ L block) -
I have a 13c turbo that came with it.
I have a 90+ mani
I have a Holset HE-351 (thanks matt! thought it was a Hy-35 (i are sux))
I have a megasquirt computer
I have the possibility of picking up MSD 2030 Jammer "medium impedance" 60lb injectors for _CHEAP_
I have ford browntops that don't leak yet.
I have a 'universal' 255lph Walbro

... I have to combine some of these parts to make a drivable car...

Also, my diff is busted and I am most likely going to get another one very soon - soo..


Go with stockish browntops/resistorized amm/open diff/M46 - LH 2.2 - setup for sort of reliability/that sort of thing?

Go nuts and find 4" v-band, weldon flange, mandrel bends etc - figure out what the hell to do with oil feed/return for a holset - I have seriously no idea at all, someone PLEASE enlighten me / megasquirt with fancy injectors?

or somewhere inbetween both?

for the Holset, I'd need aforementioned feed/return lines, a wastegate, alot of welding (not THAT much I suppose?) - etc.

I am half-planning on welding the new diff (read: have someone who knows what they are doing weld it this time, possibly with some 617-stick?) - or leave it open for non-breakness?

I'm pretty sure if I did the whole holset/MS/etc thing - I'd break my M46 in about seven milliseconds, which would also suck the fat one for a long road trip... then again, I would love to be all cool and megasquirty and holsetty :-/

Doing all this on my own sucks, I hate working on my car by myself - and being I suppose a bit new to some of these things (first real engine swap, w00t?) - I need some advice...

I'd like to source any and all parts locally, I work at a parts store chain and I can get some pretty cool deals on stuff, so the more part numbers and possible vendors you can throw at me (wholesale vendors in canada very very very welcome) - it'd be uber appreciated.

I've gone and made a long post... well, semi-long for my standards I suppose?

I do like the idea of straight 4" exhaust - haha - for you guys who know me, you also know I'm not much of a muffler guy..

I do have a nice 3" muffler I could use if I stayed with my ghetto assed 2"->3" straight exhaust and went with the 13c/semi boring/lh2.2 solution..

need I remind you that I have like.. less than a month to figure this out and make sure the car is goddamned reliable and happy? Yea... I'm not a car-god like Ugly Duck/Aspirator/Chip Foose - but I can turn wrenches, and I only have about 2-3 hours I can wrench per evening...

I don't know why I keep writing... I should try this whole sleeping thing some time.

- R

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 8:51 pm 
Strapping on extra booster rockets

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whoa slow down roj, sorry RAZ

I dont know man id say look at what you want out of this car, although making a holset'd MS'd monster is pretty appealing I would personaly build it up as a fun daily driver, its a solid car, big enough to haul a bunch of stuff in(aka car parts), comfortable IMO and good for long trips. So id say go with this:

Go with stockish browntops/resistorized amm/open diff/M46 - LH 2.2 - setup for sort of reliability/that sort of thing?

And build up zee audi as a track car so you can have the gut wrenching awd launches and if you break it you can tow it home behind the volvo, now that would be Bad Azz.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:31 pm 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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I'm with Johnny. You can build it up as a monster later, when you're not working under a deadline.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 8:43 am 
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thats the plan, stan ;)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:30 am 
Haha, I just built a W24 Octo-Turbo, now what?!
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Good deal. Get the car running on the new motor and 2.2 with browntops and 12B/old manifold, and start gathering/modifying parts as you come across them and have time.

The only flaw in that slaw is that for the Holset you'll want to address the oil return ahead of time. Because I welded that tube into my block (on the B23, not the B230 that's in it now) it's easy for me to switch from Holset to Garrett to whatever in the future, should the need arise. If you use the stock Volvo tube, you'll have to modify things in the car when/if you swap turbos.

But if you're not going to spend $$$ on a transmission, I STRONGLY suggest you avoid the Holset/Megasquirt/rediculous injector combo. That would be plain ol' stupid (not in a good way) and I know that among your faults, Raz, you're NOT stupid.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 5:28 pm 
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Oui monsieur,

Le plan commence;

90+ 13c brown tops, 2.2 - happy.

open diff from junkyard, weld after PacNW

Source T5

Make adapter plate, get other disc, buy powertrax or keep rewelding diffs.


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