Pretty sure I'm going to tap into the much more lively 0-1v output of my WB, for the LH, yea.. LH is staying in over winter
The wastegate seems to be happy, it _could_ be a torn diaphragm, but wouldn't it spike in the lower load gears too?
Its working great, absolutely a riot to drive now, My volvo is back! You should see the smile on my face
Oh, and I understand that the turbo will spool faster and better under much higher load, like 3rd and 4th gear. (man I need the overdrive back!
) she tops out at 184 km/h on the GPS at fuel cut/spark cut @ 6100 ish rpm.
anyways, i love my volvo now
but holy balls does it pull amazingly smooth when it gets up to 13-14psi in 4th, its just so smoooth!!!!