RaZ wrote:
Oh yes, sorry.
All you need is a random bill of sale, can be scratched in blood and sweat on a post it note, and it will work in alberta.
I love alberta for bills of sale, i hate everything else about the registration here.
- R
You wouldn't if you had anything worth stealing. No offense meant, but since all it takes is some minor trickery, a stolen car (or motorhome, or utility trailer, or motorcycle, or...) can be registered under a different VIN and nobody ever checks it. The only time anyone's ever looked at my VIN is when the registration said the colour of the vehicle was grey, and it was mostly white with some grey accents. Other than that, and when you go to sell it, nobody has reason to check.
But on topic, all you need for Alberta registration is a BOS and an OOP. The OOP can be frustrating if you take it to a shop that has the attitude of "finders keepers": if they find a bad balljoint, only THEY can replace it or you have to pay for the OOP again. I've used Magnum Automotive in Calgary and they're excellent.