okay who wants a puzzle!!! yeah?! get ready!
i un-plugged all the connections to that fuse that kept blowing, put a new fuse in it, tried to start the car...nothing, it was cranking...but seemed like not enough juice was there...or something
fair enough
plugged all connections back into that fuse EXCEPT the heater fan power wire...just as the ignition key turned to "I", 'pop'...fuse is blown
ok...hmm let's try to start the car
fire's right up!!!
i plugged the heater power wire into a vacant prong on another fuse, which is always supplied power, went for a test drive, everything works as normal...just have to remember to shut the fan off when i turn the car off, easy enough...i have working heat now, a lot better than before
so how the F can the car not start with these connections unplugged, but start fine when plugged in, but with a blown fuse THUS...breaking the power connection anyway
this was all tested while the car was stationary in the garage...until i test drove the relocated heater wire
hello gremlins!!!
i can't wait to re-wire this car!!!